
Fun Staying


Have Fun Staying

No Brokies.

How To Not Stay Poor?

Step 1: Get Yourself Some ETH

First things first, you need some Ether (ETH). If you don't have any, well, that's a good start to your "Have Fun Staying Poor" journey. Head over to your favorite exchange, sell a kidney (just kidding), and get yourself some ETH. Don't worry, it's only money!


Step 2: Head Over to DEXTools

Next, navigate to DEXTools or your preferred decentralized exchange platform. This is where the magic happens. Think of it as a carnival game, but instead of a plush toy, you might win a ticket to financial ruin (or riches, who knows?).

illustration of apple on branchIllustration of apple on branch

Step 3: Swap ETH for HFSP

Now comes the fun part. Swap your hard-earned ETH for HFSP. Enter our token contract address, select the amount you want to swap, and hit "Swap." It's as simple as pressing a button and watching your ETH disappear into the void. Welcome to the HFSP club!

what the f*** you looking at?

Step 4: HODL and Enjoy the Ride

Congratulations, you're now an HFSP holder! Sit back, relax, and watch the market do its thing. And DON'T fucking sell it. Whether it skyrockets to the moon or plummets to the depths, just remember our motto: Have Fun Staying Poor! And don’t forget to tell your friends about your new adventure. Misery loves company, after all!

omelanda done kill my woif and took me fokin son

